Source: Michael Langston Moore,

On episode 2 of "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains," Stephenie was sent home in a 5-3 vote that featured some ugly back and forth exchanges between James, Stephenie and the rest of the Heroes cast.

At the start of the episode, the Villains tribe was attempting to rebuild their shelter. Boston Rob, upset that his teammates were complaining about the weather but disinterested in building a fire, stormed off in frustration. Later, Rob collapses to the ground.

With the help of Jerri, Jeff Probst, and medical personnel, Rob wakes. Fumbling while drinking water, Rob begins to cry, saying he has too much respect for "Survivor" to ever entertain the thought of quitting despite falling unconscious.

With the diagnosis of essentially the flu, Rob heads back to his tribe, telling them that he'll be fully recovered in 48 hours.

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At the immunity challenge, the castaways were required to roll heavy crates and stack them in a way that spelled out the names of their tribe. At the start, the Heroes had the advantage, but with the help of Boston Rob's sheer determination and strength, the Villains triumphed and won their second immunity challenge in a row.

The victory also came with a reward--tarp, rope, and nails. At the end of the challenge, James voiced his frustration. Screaming at his teammates that too many people were talking and not listening to JT (who had previously done this challenge in a prior season), he chastised his fellow Heroes.

Back at camp, James continued voicing his opinion. Saying that the tribe should have "one voice" in challenges, he told his team that they should "suck it up" and accept criticism and not become defensive.

Back at the Villains camp, Russell appeared annoyed by Boston's Rob growing celebrity. Calling himself "King Russell of Samoa," he attacked and killed a chicken with a wooden spear.

With Tribal Council looming, James attempted to rally up votes to oust Stephenie. Stating that it was odd that Stephenie's tribes in prior "Survivor" seasons became decimated by losing, he tries to make the case that Stephenie is the weak link.

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At Tribal Council, James continued to beat that drum. Colby and Tom didn't take well to James' accusations, however, as they both jumped to Stephenie's defense. Tom then says that James is "bullying" Stephenie, upon which James turns to Tom with an incredulous look on his face.

"I'm not bullying people," replied James.

In the end, the vote was close, as it came down between two people--Stephenie and Amanda. With a vote of 5-3, Stephenie became the second person voted off "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains."

After Jeff snuffed Stephenie's torch, she turned to James and said: “A little advice. Next time ‘Ya’ll’ lose a challenge, a little less cursing out your tribe might help.”

"Keep your mouth shut," replied James.